Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The worst game of tag

At the moment I have two sick kids on my hands, my five month old boy caught a little cough last week which has turned into a nasty cold and terrible cough, and now three year old sister ends up with a cold as well. Hence the worst game of tag ever! I guess it's just unavoidable that when one gets sick the other is bound to get it as well. It seems like my three year old constantly has a slight cold of some sort, probably from being around all the other snot nosed kiddies at preschool three days a week. But she recently learned how to blow her nose, so her colds are much easier to deal with. Dealing with a sick five month old is a whole other story, I can only do so much with the trusty booger sucker. And with his cough continuing to get worse I decided to take him to the doctor yesterday, if for nothing else then to set mine and my wife's minds at ease, which is exactly what happened. The doctor examined little man and said his lungs and ears were both clear so we just have to wait out the cold. But two good things actually came of the visit. First off on the way to the doctor's office baby boy was coughing away in his car seat and after a few hard coughs he clearly stated his first word..."Ow!" Which even if it is just a little slang for the more common ouch I am totally counting as word numero uno. And secondly after inquiring about the use of that Vick's baby rub stuff the doctor told me to rub it not on his chest but on his feet, which totally seems to be working to get rid of his cold and cough.

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