Thursday, September 16, 2010


So my little girl started school last week, yes it is just preschool but it is a huge milestone nonetheless.  I'm getting a little weepy again just writing about it.  I tried to act tough when my wife and I dropped her off that first day but on the inside I was crying like I was the little schoolgirl.  I couldn't just start balling or all the other Moms and Dads would of thought I was some kind of sissy...but I bet some of them were crying on the inside too!  It just really felt like that first tiny step towards my baby girl not needing her Daddy anymore...which may sound sappy and all but it really crossed my mind.   Of course my little lady barely even looked back to say goodbye when we dropped her off that first day, and by the time I picked her up that afternoon she already had a new little best friend.  Not exactly a shy one my little angel, which I absolutely adore about her.
But it is crazy how fast time just seems to be reeling by.  I feel like she was the one just learning how to crawl and pull her self up, but now it's her baby brother hurtling through all those milestones.  He just started crawling a couple of months ago and now it seems he'll be running around before we know it.  He still favors the soldier crawl where he just kind of slides around on his belly, but he is super quick.  I really can't turn my back on him for a second anymore, which honestly has made my life a lot more difficult.  And it really doesn't help that we recently put our condo on the market so I completely debabyproofed the entire place, except for the little electric socket covers.  Which is the one thing I really don't need or care about right now as Captain Quick is sliding his way right toward the non baby gate protected stairs!