Sunday, February 28, 2010


Yes fatteus, one of my new sons many nicknames. He is one chunky baby. Eighteen pounds and counting at a mere four and a half months. I feel like I can actually hear him getting fatter, and I love it. He really sounds like a little hog with all the grunting and snorting he does,especially at night when he's sleeping...that's when you can really hear the fatness. I feel like I am sleeping in a barn in the middle of Chicago, but instead of a rooster at the crack of dawn we have my three year old daughter..."Daaadddyyy, I'm awake" crackling through the monitor. But back to the chunker...his wrists and ankles both appear to have really tight rubber bands strapped around them...and the rolls are everywhere. And lets not forget my favorite feature, his little man boobs, or moobs as I like to call them. Don't ask why those are my favorite part! But his sister gets the award for best nickname, with the little sausage can you top that.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Let them eat!!!

In the history of the world has telling your kid that there are children starving somewhere out there gotten them to eat their food. I think not. Or maybe I am just laying on the guilt a little early, I mean she is only three years old. What does she care if she finishes her waffle or not, or that that half eaten waffle could feed another kid starving somewhere, I guess she doesn't now, but I hope I can help steer her to become the kind of person who would someday.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Being sick blows!!!

So all things considered I guess I've been pretty lucky...just getting sick now for the first time while daughter has had like a trillion colds in the past year with a few ear infections thrown in to boot. Not to mention the swine flu scare we had while on vacation in Charleston over New Years, with brother's fever peaking at 103 and sister's at 104...not fun. But what can you do...momma's got to bring home the bacs and sick daddy stays home with the monsters...I mean beautiful offspring. Well, daughter did promise to take care of dada...but does that have to include dumping her fruit loops out on the couch while daddy fixes brother his bottle. Speaking of brother, I feel like I should put on one of those radiation suits before handling him, but since I don't have one of those handy, I guess washing my hands a thousand times today will have to do!! Lets pray baby boy doesn't get infected!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Where not to save $$$!

Trying to be a little scratch...diapers are not the place to do it. We recently switched to Target diapers instead of Pampers thinking it was a good place to save considering Target brand are about a fourth of the price. But is it really worth the savings when pretty much every time my son poops it blows out the back of the diaper all the way up his back...sometimes all the way to his hair...I think not!! Back to the pamps for us!!!

This is really hard!

So I am now entering my fourth week as a stay at home dad, and this is really hard. I have had a pretty wide variety of challenging jobs in my working career...steeple jack, painter, above ground pool installer, data processor, television producer, late night bar manager, and bar owner...but none have come close to being this challenging, all consuming and crazy!! It just never stops! I have a three year old and a four month old, and they demand a lot of attention. When I'm not changing a poop filled diaper I'm fixing a snack, or doing dishes, or folding laundry, or wiping noses, or wiping bottoms, or fixing just never ends! This is really hard...but I think I'm loving every minute of it!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

First time blogger's blog

To blog or not to blog...why not blog, kid number 2 is sleeping off his sixth bottle of the day and kid number 1 is watching spongebob for a change. Speaking of much TV is too much TV. I figure she deserves some after that monster 3 and a half hour afternoon nap.