Sunday, February 28, 2010


Yes fatteus, one of my new sons many nicknames. He is one chunky baby. Eighteen pounds and counting at a mere four and a half months. I feel like I can actually hear him getting fatter, and I love it. He really sounds like a little hog with all the grunting and snorting he does,especially at night when he's sleeping...that's when you can really hear the fatness. I feel like I am sleeping in a barn in the middle of Chicago, but instead of a rooster at the crack of dawn we have my three year old daughter..."Daaadddyyy, I'm awake" crackling through the monitor. But back to the chunker...his wrists and ankles both appear to have really tight rubber bands strapped around them...and the rolls are everywhere. And lets not forget my favorite feature, his little man boobs, or moobs as I like to call them. Don't ask why those are my favorite part! But his sister gets the award for best nickname, with the little sausage can you top that.

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