Tuesday, March 9, 2010


So I feel like all I have been talking about in this blog is some sort of bodily fluid, and I also figured, why stop now. If any of my many readers are squeamish I do apologize. After all as a SAHD for a three year old girl and a five month old boy my life does basically revolve around pee, poop and boogers. My three year old has been potty trained since about two months before her third birthday which was back in November, but I still have to lend a helping hand here and there when it comes to her and the potty. And I've mentioned before my son is a virtual poop machine which I will be dealing with for quite some time. But I have now resigned myself to these tasks, for they must be done!
Recently my daughter reached another huge milestone in her short life, she learned how to blow her nose. And I cannot even tell you how exciting this was for me. I was pretty much doing back flips the first time she did it. Next to her learning to use the potty this was the biggest accomplishment she's done. I was pretty much ready to start contacting all the Ivy League schools to request early admission, I mean she has to be pretty special to master the art of the nose blow at the young age of three. And then I found it, and these short lived dreams of greatness began to crumble, on the wall next to her bed I found it, her booger collection. My perfect three year old angel cutey pie has been picking her boogs and decorating the wall next to her bed with them. It looked like some sort of crusty constellation. If I didn't put an end to this new habit soon she might have her very own in house rock climbing wall. But thankfully she has been talked into using the ample tissue supply which now resides right next to her bed!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this story! You've definitely gotta a knack for writing shoe!
