Friday, March 19, 2010

Oh the things they will say!

As we were getting ready for school and work yesterday my daughter turns to Mommy as she was changing brother's diaper and says, "Mother, he is the cutest man in town." And of course I couldn't just let that slide so I asked her what about me and she responds, "Father, you're the cutest man in town too, you stinkin jellyfish." Which was followed by a nice warm round of giggles all around. Obviously the jellyfish reference comes from the fact that at this point she thinks she lives in a pineapple under the sea with all the Spongebob she watches, but where did she get the whole mother and father thing, just weeks ago it was dada and momma. I feel like we're suddenly raising English royalty. As far as the amount of love she has for her little brother we are so lucky in that respect, because I've seen it go the other way with siblings and it's not pretty. But as far as all the things coming out of her mouth these days most are cute and sweet, but not always. My wife had taken her over to a girlfriend's house for a playdate recently and after dropping a marker off the table my daughter yelled "F*#k" and as if saying it once wasn't enough she then proceeded to sing "f$&k, f*$k, f%+K, f&$k, f@#k." She then finished it off with a resounding "F&%K!, sometimes my daddy says f&%k." So not only did she drop the f-bomb like a truck driving sailor but totally sold me out to mommy. She must of caught me saying it in the car one day, but it's really not my fault that no one else on the planet knows how to drive and that I always feel compelled to tell them. I guess from now on I really need to tone my rants down to PG levels. But for the most part she amazes me daily with the incredible things she says, and I can only hope she isn't singing her expletive songs at preschool. Click the video below to see for yourself.

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