Thursday, March 4, 2010

The poop machine

Yes the poop machine, my four month old sons newest nickname. The kid has yet to eat his first solid food but he can turn a bottle of breast milk or formula into the most ginormous poop you've ever seen. And although we did solve our diaper dilemma, we switched from the Target brand to brand, he still had a giant assplosion this morning. I guess that one was my fault because I was playing with sister and let him fuss in his exersaucer a little too long, but I still think it defies the laws of gravity to be able to poop out the top of your diaper all the way up your back, especially while standing up! But like I said, he is a poop machine. And lets get down to the nitty gritty, once you realize the assplosion has occurred and you see the poop has left the safety of the diaper and made its way up the back, how do you get the onesie off without covering your sons head with his own poop. Should I bust out the scissors and cut it off like they do at the hospital or what? Its like playing a game of operation except instead of grabbing the bone with the tiny tweezers I'm stretching that little cotton onesie to its limit over the boys head. And just so you know I did succeed, his little head remained poop free this morning.
But quickly back to the diaper dilemma, the Target brand had no elastic in the back so almost every poop turned into an assplosion, and the brand do have the elastic and until today had managed to retain the poop, but as I said today was my fault, even though he is a super pooper. We also love the brand because they are pretty cheap, about 40 bucks for 200 diapers, and the next day delivery rules. If interested go to

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