Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Angels and Demons

My son is now just over five months old and has been the most incredibly easy baby of all time, some might even say he is an angel. I know I have said it many times...I mean he was sleeping through the night at four or five weeks, never cried, just basically the perfect baby. But the past week or so it seems like the demon switch somehow got flipped, and the angel may be gone. But he can't be gone forever, I just can't let him slip away to the dark side. But I guess I just have to realize I can't control everything...especially a five month old. So this past weekend my wife had a girlfriend in town who was staying at a swank hotel downtown so she spent the night there on Saturday...and what do you know, worst night of my life. Alright I may be exaggerating but it was really rough. It started off when we dropped her off downtown and baby boy fell asleep in the car, which he usually does, but instead of sleeping in his car seat for his usual hour to hour and a half, his little eyes popped open as soon as we got back in the door at home. So that is where the trouble began, because he really needed that long nap, not the fifteen minute one he actually took. I now suddenly have the fussiest baby of all time on my hands, won't eat, won't let me put him down, just not having any of it. And what do you know, his grumpiness immediately starts rubbing off on my three year old, who now also wants me to hold her. So I'm now carrying fifty pounds of kid around the house and slowly starting to melt down myself. Luckily my daughter lets me distract her with her dinner and a movie and I can now try to concentrate on dealing with demon boy. Don't even ask how I managed to get her dinner ready while holding both of them...it wasn't pretty. So after another failed attempt at putting baby boy down to sleep it is now sister's bedtime...and low and behold she does not go quietly. But I do eventually get her down about an hour past her normal bedtime, while still holding baby brother fussing and screaming in my ear pretty much the whole time. I think she actually went to bed just so she wouldn't have to listen to him cry anymore. So now baby boy has not slept or eaten in way to long and I have to make my stand. So I finally do get him to take his bottle by wrapping him up in his miracle blanket and rocking him while also jumping up and down. And he falls asleep, until I try and replace the bottle with his pacifier...and then the demon is unleashed once again. He is just screaming and crying in my face, so in a moment of pure insanity I think maybe if I scream right back in his face he will stop...bad move...he just turns it up about twenty decibels. He actually does start to fall back asleep, but while sleeping he continues to scream and cry... how is that even possible? But after another twenty minutes or so of rocking and bouncing the screaming and crying subsides and he sleeps for real, somehow immediately transforming himself back into angel baby.

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